Sunday, January 10, 2010

No, I won't wait forever.

It's 2010, and it's the weekend before my birthday!

I don't know what's actually compelled me to start this blog, but I suppose now is as good a time as any. Its URL - the only resolution - comes from one of my favourite songs of recent years (and likely of all time) - Signal Fire by Snow Patrol. It comes with a lot of significance to me that I promise to expand upon at a later date.

The first ten days of the new decade have been quite nice for me! I've spent a lot of time with my nephew, who is now a little over a month old. He's grown so much already, and he's always laughing and smiling (when he isn't sleeping or pooping or eating). I love that kid so much; it's going to be so wonderful to see him grow up.

That aside, I'm working my final two weeks at The Disney Store. It's so surreal that it's already over. Just yesterday it feels like it was September and I just got hired. I'm so thankful for my experience there. I've met some of the most wonderful people that have become much more than coworkers to me. I'm certain a new Disney store will open up here soon. Or, at the very least, I'm very very hopeful. It would be fantastic to work with them all again.

I hope that whatever 2010 has in store for me is fantastic. Given what I've gotten so far... I'm very optimistic. :)

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